Friday, February 27, 2009

U r competing urselves wif business mgt ppl in future! Ppl r queuing up for jobs! Do u think ppl will buy ur artwork? These 3 statements were the statements dat i kept on reflecting these 2 days. perhaps she was right.. as the econ is facing crisis, ppl tend to find jobs desperately..

I was feeling really down these 2 days. but thank God because my friends cheered me up during my b'day.. wif lots of surprises & presents.. i really appreciated it. i think i'm growing fatter now.. thks to them.. hehe...

these 3 statements kept on wandering my mind over and over again.. Well, it's all my fault! i dont blame her for being so HARSH to us. If she didnt, she might b killing our futures. I hope I wont make the same mistakes again and try to improve and increase my knowledge about the visual art.

Actually, now I like her very much and afraid of her at the same time. i like her bcoz she's saving our futures now and afraid bcoz I dont want to make her angry and dissappointed. bcoz she can b dat scary when she was angry.

Hopefully this will b my lsn for not to do things last min and put more efforts on research to produce the best artworks in future.

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