Wednesday, December 23, 2009


Went to red box and f cube today wif hyma, melissa and joanne..
Was happy.. Long time nvr being crazy like today..
Met wif aqila and sama oso..
Long time nvr meet up, everyone became prettier now..
Almost cant recognise ald..
Sang for 4 hours and play board games for 2 hours.. Cool!

I think de red box ppl will be very fed up wif us..
They'll b wondering, "why these 4 gals made de place a mess?"
haha... not purposely de la..
Accidentally broke their glass and made de place so wet..
At first, joanne then hyma..
but as for hyma's de glass was not broken.. phew! Thank God!

Tmr will be going to sg wif them.. haha.... so excited.. going to orchard..
Should b super crowd tmr..
Dont care.. most importantly is be happy and feel de atmosphere of christmas..

Signing off.. =)

1 comment:

  1. yup..we sure did have loadz of fun dat day!!=D shld do it again d next holidays=D
