Saturday, February 20, 2010

19-2-2010 Diary

Today was a tiring but exciting day for me..
It's bcoz ytd I slept at 230am coz doing assignment's outline and woke up late.. 6am..
But no traffic jam and lots of buses to hop in.. Juz one thing.. in de sg custom, quite crowded.. everyone like walking model show.. haha... Reached sch at 840am.. Still early.. hehe...

Then, showed my outline to ms quek.. u noe last min work, definitely cant b a good work.. But I was confuse what to write.. So, after she suggested and commented my outline, now I noe what to do.. hehe... Not as difficult as I thought actually.. Thanks ms quek..
Then, went to sch lib to find for SEA reference book to borrow home.. But cant find it.. Find for 45 mins.. too bad.. But managed to borrowed two other books which are useful for my other assignments.. haha... Thank God.. At least not in vain..

Then, it's fashion forecast class.. De fashion students were all late for class so muz wait for them.. I think they went museum or stuff like dat.. So we started class quite late.. Showed stephanie de pics b4 class started.. hmm.... still acceptable.. but not very well done coz copy from ppl's blogs and nets.. but quite trendy also.. Muz continue to search for pics of trendy ppl for our final assignment and dat is for producing individual's trend book. She ended class 1 hr early.. So actually, today, de lecture was super short and sweet..

But thanks to her dat I managed to come baq jb at 220pm.. Then I went to jusco and waited for someone to fetch me to church.. And eventually, went to some tf friends' house for cny visitation.. my house also included.. haha... so nice! Got receive ang pow also..then, I finally started to eat cny cookies again... No more coughing.. yes! finally! yay!

Didnt managed to catch a night movie wif my tf friends after de visitations coz it's too late and I was super tired then.. Mayb next time bah..

So overall, I was very happy and really enjoy myself alot especially during de visitations whereby de aunties and uncles were all giving us a very warm welcome and we ate and drink lots of foods and drinks till very full lo.. Dunno if I grew fatter now.. haha...

Anyway, I juz wanna say thank you to many especially God for today's whole day events; my mum for welcoming my friends so warmly and prepared foods and drinks and many more things; de aunties and uncles for all de foods, drink, warm welcome and of coz ANG POW! haha...
and others who had fetch me around today..

O ya! I met my "si jie" (4th sis in chinese) in de 1st house visitation.. Now I noe... actually she's xin mei's sis.. Dont mistaken.. she's not my real sis.. juz dat few years ago, we went to a youth training camp called as "joshua camp".. She was my room leader and out of a sudden.. all of us became bros and sis.. So she's my 4th sis.. I'm de 8th sis.. haha.. Gals had two families.. So I belonged one of de family.. But I still called "li min da jie" (big sis li min in chinese) when I met her although she's not my family's da jie.. We all very good de.. share share family.. hehe... I also got a bro called "timothy leong". He was my group leader and eventually became my bro.. I called him "ko" (older bro in chinese) if I remember to called him dat.. haha...

Dat's about it for today's blog.. Tmr will be more to date.. It's getting late now.. Going to sleep.. Nitez =)

signing off...

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