Tuesday, February 23, 2010

23 - 2- 2010

Today reached jb custom at 1050am..
Was worried dat I'll b late so took bugis bus to sch.. thank God got bus today.. very smooth...
Reached sch at 12 pm sharp.. haha... Phew!
toc was in our class to observe us.. De class was super quiet and mr han was quite nervous.. Oops! haha....

Went to sch lib to borrow SEA reference books... I borrowed two books.. I think one of them is not relevant to my presentation... haiz... happy for nothing...

Suppose to meet up wif vivian but last min cant make it.. nvm la.. next week bah.. hehe... It's ok, vivian... no worries ya..

Doing assignment now.. not free.. Nothing much today..

signing off... =)

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