Monday, February 15, 2010

Sick during CNY!

Am sick again..
So sian..
There goes my cny mood.. haiz...
Thank God no asthma..
Now muz study, do assignment ald..
Was having nap for 4 hours juz now..
So now, energy got arnd 80%
Coz took my medicine not long ago..
Somehow feel abit tired.. haha....
Suppose to go sg wif mum yesterday but too bad.. I was too ill to get up from my bed.. (sorry mum)
Today went to see doc.. He said I must rest at home... Try not to go out.. Starting sch on thursday so muz b good gal and listen to doc lo..
Feeling better now but still feel horrible when I coughed and flu.. Feel like taking out my throat and nose, clear all de unwanted stuffs then put them baq.. So irritating.. hahaha...... Juz kidding! (as if I could do dat) =p

Hoping to eat cny cookies again.. Now can only drink 100 plus..

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