Tuesday, April 19, 2011

My latest diary

I am super tired and sleepy now.. When can I really take a break? Dont feel like graduate but this kind of life is juz torturing me.. Lack of sleep and muz tolerate other ppl's styles and characters. Has been busy for these few months.. I can be an owl now.. no sleeping overnight. Somehow missed my bed, pillow, blanket and "Bennie Bear" very much..

Got to rush assignments like nobody business.. Boi Ta Han! Quite stress and tiring experiences.. Have to start to find a suitable company to work part time as I am waiting the degree intake dunno when.. Finding a suitable room to stay in sg as well..Juz couldnt understand how is it de person so autocratic till everyone has to give in to her.. Is face so important that can ignore the person who is really in needs?

Ltr gg to meet them.. Dunno what to say and react.. Hope everything goes smoothly ltr..
Hope to see the place before any actions started..

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