Wednesday, February 4, 2009


I'm very tired now

physically n spiritually

especially physically

muz face so many assignments and grp projects

want to sleep but got haunted wif these assignments and grp projects

when am I going to finish all these?

tmr got test somemore!


but I think studying is still better than working

at least lecturer still show grace n ready to forgive whenever we made mistakes

although they might always nag at us, stretch us upside down, giving us so called "stress"

but I still like to be a student..

it's not the same as working

bosses will scold us if we do something wrong

although juz a minor mistake (wat a big deal!)

when we did a very great job, he is happy n will praise us in front of everybody

but if we did something wrong, he will scold us n even fired us instead

so realistic ah!

So, I still prefer to be a student. Although alot of assignments, grp projects, tests n final exams

but I still want to thk God for dat.



  1. haha!hope one day i'll feel like that too=)
    have been updating your blog regularly huh

  2. Thank u, sis! U can do it through Christ who strengthen u.. Love u =)
