Monday, March 30, 2009

Hey, friends! last week was also my interesting week. I got back my SAS Ame on last monday. I got 40%. I dunno whether shld happy or vice versa. I failed for this assignment but 40 is not dat bad coz most of my classmates didnt do well either. Thk God for this was only one of my assignments. TOC is quite good enough s he brought down de marks only for 20% instead of 40% for de whole sem. Coming up next was kay's class. Nowadays, i really enjoy attending her class. She's not dat fierce lk last time. she made de whole class happy n relax lk nobody business wif addition of a few "jokers" in my class. Jokers, u noe who r u la, ha.....

Then coming up was kenneth's class which fall on thur. I think this was my 1st or 2nd time reaching earlier then him. We will often late for his class even juz 5 mins. we learned of de types of lights, colours, abit of formulas on hw to calculate de lighting units, etc.... We also went to National Sg Museum too.. I enjoyed de environment there. it's juz so cosy n nice except for de stupid entrance auto gate (i dunno de actual name=D) dat hits me out of de sudden. i got a shock n abit pain. Don worry, de pain juz stay for awhile. I'm ok ald.. I think shock was greater then de pain lor.. haha... there's a little boy dat i admire most. He was lost in de museum, he didnt cry at all. he called "mummy; mummy" repeatingly in there. He was so cool lo. but we r quite upset to his mum for leaving her son alone. wat if he is not a brave boy? then i sw him sitting on de floor taking down notes, i think is about de info of de exhibitions... WOW! Good job, boy! Actually we didnt really have de mood to go museum coz we were rushing out our dance presentations. we were lk asking, is it over? very nervous n anxious about de presentations s we not yet really prepared for it. But thk God, coz we manage to present it n teresa appraised us for dat..(=

then after de presentation, she gave us back our test papers. I got 56% for dat. Thk God! nothing special for ms chan's class. then on fri, PoM.. I still very scared of de assignment 2 (case study).. really muz pray dat God will give me a spontaneous n creative thinking skill. It's very tough for me! then here come de video shooting! yeah! but... sad to say dat our video shooting didnt went on smoothly. At 1st, we were getting hard time to buy mini dv tape, but thk God, we managed to bought one. then, we cant use de sch lib s one of our story location coz we didnt apply a day earlier. Thk God, dat i asked. if not...... then, we have to wait for one of my grp mates. she was very late.. then when she came, we try to shoot but wif lots of "NGs".. so we cant shoot de video successfully. I think I shld say, we didnt shoot any video scenes on dat day.. but thk God, matthew let us reshoot again this fri.. haha.... i always think dat, my grp always face lots of prob during de process of discussion n even during de actual presentations or something lk dat... well, wat to do? all of us r from diff class, diff dept.. matthew shld consider this oso.. but he is really kind enough to us. This is our final assignment n last chance to get good grades for tis module..

then, on sat.. I was late for class.. coz i was watching drama b4 dat after i finished writing de IP Talk report. So, i have this privillege to walk wif crystal again to sch.. s she also late for class. this week is majitha n me presentation day..scary sia.. dunno anything about de midieval theatre lo.. not prepare at all yet..muz get this for good grade lo... coz i fail for both my quiz so if i fail for this one oso, then, I'm finished!

So, this week, I going to b very busy n really hope dat everything can go well.. o ya.. I still got SAS Ame's presentation regarding to de MICA n kay's essay writing for de visual art painting. Muz rmbr! :(

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