Sunday, March 22, 2009

These few days r quite ok for me. I thank God for term 4.
Juz got all my term 3 results last week. hmm... Shld b counted as last week as today is sunday.
Firstly, I got 60% for kay's lesson which Ireally thk God n her for giving me 60%. Coz really got a bad scolding b4 dat. N I really happy in kay's class with cathy arnd as a joker dat made de whole class bcame alive... hahaha..... thks to her... Next, is kenneth's de. I oso thk God n him for passing me (50%). Coz this one I really think dat I'm going to fail for this module. But really happy dat i pass with juz a passing marks. We went to de Sg Art Museum (SAM) dat day oso. Vey nice.. I like de environment there. I think I shld go to visit musuem more often in de future.

Next, is de dance. hmm... although still dunno de actual marks yet, but my mcq still consider good. Thk God for dat :D Now we have to crack our brain for de assignment 4. Hopefully we can do it well.. hehe... Next, is PoM. Thk God for quite high marks of 77% for my 1st assignment. But I really scared of de 2nd assignment. We r suppose to do case study. I really dunno hw to do leh... :( New assignment for my elective module. Quite interesting for me coz we r suppose to produce our own video. Looking forward very much for this friday. Coz can shoot de video dat located in sch.. WOW! So cool! haha....

As for my theatre module, I got back my assignment 1 (quiz) results ald.. Sad to say dat I only got 2.5 upon 15 marks only. This is kind of very bad lor... :( Well, it's all my fault! coz i didnt really study for dat. I watched drama at nite b4 de day of de quiz.. I'd learned my lsn.. So I study very hard for my 2nd quiz.. Bcoz of my little knowledge about china hist, I'd drag cathy down.. So sorry! Felt very bad about dat.. =(

Really hope dat I can pass all my modules wif flying colours.. Hopefully in this term, I can b more hardworking n coping well all de challenges which I think very hard.. haha.... =) Therefore I want to thk God for de wonderful results in term 3... Thks to all my friends for helping me whenever I dunno wat to do.. Thks ya ppl.. =)

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