Sunday, October 18, 2009

GAP Food Fair Week 1

Today was our gap food fair. Responses were very good. Thank God!
Was raining suddenly but when everybody in de games dept trying to rush to their place to save de fishes and other stuffs, de rain stopped immediately. phew!

My group was in charge of two stalls such as bubble tea stall and sugar cane stall.
De bubble tea was in hot sale today.. Very soon, all sold out. As for de sugar cane, coz dat uncle
not feeling well, most probably leg ache so he didnt managed to do sugar cane, he did ribena and suan mei (plum) juice instead. Quite nice.. hehe.........

As for de poor chrysenthemum + ginseng tea, still left over alot.. haiyo! wasted..
but nvr mind.. most probably de pkc team will finish it. haha.... thx guyz! =)

Next week will be another round of food fair. Looking forward to it. All Glory to God!

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