Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Long Updates about me!

Hey, there!
Was sick for 3 weeks..
Sad sia! Cant eat my favourite foods.. haiz....
Today's blog might be super long lo..

1 week before I went to Cambodia, I fall sick.. I went to see doc so dat i could get well asap..
Then de doc was super cute lo.. She was afraid to give me any medicine coz i was allergy wif panadol.. She said this medicine i cant consume.. dat one i cant consume.. so sian lo... I was like open my mouth big big lo... (shocked).. Then I felt a little better and there I went to Cambodia happily but still sick.

I felt terrible when I reached Cambodia. Was too sick.. Cant talk properly.. Kept on coughing non stop.. No more voice. Was tempted to eat de duck egg wif de little duck inside but cant eat.. Coz i was feeling so terrible dat if I was to eat it, I could definitely vomit it out... Wat to do? No choice lo! But got a chance to eat spider's leg, water lily's seed, super sweet pineapple, etc..
I was happy in Cambodia.. I enjoy it very very much.. Can serve together wif my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. Was assistant leader and treasurer at dat time.. Was super stress then. coz dunno how to calculate de rating of khmer real and usd. Thank God dat I had many mobilise calculator (helpers) helping me.. haha... Thx guyz!
Got a chance to ride on de pony and ox.. watched de sunset.. went to de cultural tour.. ride on motorbikes and tuk-tuk (taxi) and so on...
Was touched by de blind man family.. Thought of helping him up to fix his roof and house but cant coz it will take de whole day of doing dat.. We still need to teach English in one of de school later. So we cant.. Abit sad and dissappointed lo.. But I thank God for de pastors there for willing to be there to help him up.
We got a chance to visit the museum there too! I was excited although I already visited de museum four yrs ago. Know their history better..
Then we played de angel and mortal game.. Mayb my group only have 8 person so all of us seemed to be expert that we actually can guess who is who quite easily.. I like this team very very much. Muack!

Then I came back to Malaysia through Singapore from Cambodia.. Went to eat de Popeye Fastfood Restaurant at Changi Airport. Mayb bcoz of I was not feeling well.. I had no appetite to eat at all.. I cant finish my food.. For those who noes me.. will noe how much will be my appetite.. u will be surprise especially fastfood.. haha..
I went to see doc de next day.. I cant take it anymore.. Felt so terrible.. Then de doc afraid I have tibi ( touchwood!) Then I went for blood test and x-ray scan.. Thank God.. everything is ok.. Juz dat I kena asthma.. no wonder I cant breathe properly well due to de dust.. haha..

Yesterday we had guests from sg so we went to eat dinner tgt at one of de restaurant.. They ordered curry fish head lo.. I cant eat.. so sad! But mayb my face looked like bitter gourd so my mum gave me one slice of fish without de curry gravy.. However, I was thankful to her then.. haha...

From today onwards.. I'll be a tuition teacher in my house.. I'll be teaching malay language in de meanwhile.. It's f-o-c though.. But i'm fine of it.. Since I'm kind of free nowadays..
Muz really revise my malay coz lost in touch wif it since I study in sg.. haha... good training for me.. hehe..

Dat's all for now.. Muz eat lunch now.. Signing off..

byebye =)

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